Malcolm Fisk, PhD

Expert Advisor on Digital Health Strategy
World Health Organization

Dr Malcolm Fisk is Senior Research Fellow at De Montfort University, Leicester (United Kingdom). He is an Expert Advisor the World Health Organization for their work on Digital Health. His work, over more than 30 years, has focused on the use of technologies by older people. He has led two recent European Commission funded projects that, respectively, developed a European (now International) Code of Practice for Telehealth Services; and addressed the range and adequacy of ICT standards to support active and healthy ageing – see Malcolm’s other expert positions are for ANEC (the European Consumer Voice on Standards) and the National Institute for Care and Health Excellence (NICE, UK). Previously, amongst many other things, Malcolm was Chair of Age Cymru (Wales’ main charity of and for older people) and the Chair, appointed by Welsh Government, of the National Partnership for Older People in Wales. 


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