Alexandra Castillo-Weisgerber, LCSW

Director, Care & Support
Alzheimer's Association, Northern California and Northern Nevada Chapter

Alexandra Castillo-Weisgerber, LCSW, is the Director of Care and Support for the Alzheimer’s Association Northern California, Northern Nevada chapter.  She assists in the strategic implementation of care and support services across the chapter, as well increasing community engagement in all pillars of the Association’s work. As a clinical social worker, she provides guidance and support to individuals and families who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease and all other dementia, particularly to those who are in the early stages and of diverse communities. 

She earned a Master of Social Work Degree from Sacramento State University and upon completion of her degree, was recognized with honors through the Phi Alpha Honor Society for Social Work. Alexandra has over 20 years of experience working with vulnerable populations, and her empathetic and compassionate nature are evident in her everyday professional practice. 


Pauline de Lange Martinez, MA, PhD Fellow


Kathleen Kelly, MPA