Charmaine Kinney, MPA-HA

Co-Founder, Future Generations Collaborative

Charmaine Kinney, MPA-HA is the Modernization Leader for Long Term Services and Supports for the Multnomah County Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Multnomah County, Oregon. She has over 40 years of continuous recovery for SUD, Mental Health, PTSD, Anxiety and Major Depression and the recovery was centered in the Native American Community. She co-founded the Native Future Generations Collaborative for Multnomah County, Oregon where she played the critical role of being the bridge between the Native Community and the County. She is also a guest lecturer for the University Nursing Program on the Factors Contributing to Ongoing Intergenerational Trauma and has worked in residential outpatient treatment settings and homeless programs including at the VA. She has worked with many people who have taught her about historical trauma--elders and leaders throughout Indian Country. 

This knowledge and ways of doing and knowing is always growing and while terms may change, the work remains rooted in the community and in culture, always building the individual and family wellness and resiliency while educating and working to change systemic ways of knowing and doing to be adaptable in serving the community. 


Jason “Biggie” Umtuch


Brandon Jones, MA