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Engaging Pharmacists: Opportunities for Overdose Prevention, Treatment and Harm Reduction
Pharmacists play a critical role in overdose prevention. Hear from a community pharmacist, a public health pharmacist, and a state-level advocacy organization on how to effectively engage local pharmacists in your work.
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The Power of Connection
Hear from Brooke Briggance, Program Director at Cypress Resilience Project to learn about “collective care” and “community care” and which stems directly from the brain’s need for healthy connection.
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Shattering the Stigma of Substance Use Disorders
Understand the real-world impact of addiction stigma with Leslie Alfaro, Program Manager at Shatterproof’s National Stigma Initiative. Gain insights from the largest nationwide survey on SUD stigma, explore its historical roots, and learn actionable steps to reduce stigma in your community.
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Turning Policy into Practice: Implementation Guides for Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction
In this Web Forum, presenters from ChangeLab Solutions introduced two essential policy guides: one offering 11 evidence-based strategies at the state, local, and institutional levels, and the other created in partnership with the Network for Public Health Law providing guidance on the policymaking process for effective and equitable implementation.
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Foundations of Indigenous Harm Reduction
Join us for a conversation with Arlene Brown, member of the Bishop Paiute Tribe and creator of the National Harm Reduction Coalition’s new Native Harm Reduction Toolkit.
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Lessons in Framing Overdose Prevention: A National Conversation
To support advocates nationwide to communicate more effectively on their harm reduction strategies, Berkeley Media Studies Group (BMSG) will share messaging guidelines that draw on findings from a recent review of overdose prevention materials in contexts nationwide.
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Lessons in Framing Overdose Prevention: Considerations for Rural Communities
To support rural stakeholders to communicate more effectively, Berkeley Media Studies Group (BMSG) will share messaging guidelines that draw on findings from a recent news analysis and learnings about framing overdose prevention in rural contexts nationwide.
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Tackling Stimulant Use Disorder: Opportunity of Contingency Management
The National; Overdose Prevention Network will discuss the intricacies of contingency management and explorie its nationwide implementation and seamless integration with other Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) strategies.
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Committing to Equity: How to Drive Change in Overdose Prevention, Treatment and Harm Reduction
Join the National Overdose Prevention Network (NOPN) for a two-part virtual event to learn about the systems, policies and practices that contribute to inequities, and steps you can take to drive change.
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What Lies Ahead: Key Trends in Overdose Prevention in 2024
This event promises a glimpse into groundbreaking concepts and cutting-edge advancements that are set to shape the landscape in 2024.

Empowering Communities in Overdose Prevention: A 2023 NOPN Year in Review
This Web Forum will showcase highlights from the National Overdose Prevention Network’s 2023 Web Forum series, from strategies to engage faith-based partners in harm reduction to what you need to know about Xylaine.
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What You Need to Know About Xylazine: A Discussion with The American College of Medical Toxicology
Join this Web Forum in collaboration with The American College of Medical Toxicology to learn about their Xylazine surveillance data and valuable insights on what we can do in response.
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Overdose Prevention 101
Are you new to the world of overdose prevention or want to support those who are new to this work? This Web Forum will highlight our latest resource, an Overdose Prevention 101 guide.
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Managing Toxic Stress and Burnout: 7 Types of Rest
Hear from Jasmine Nakagawa-Wong, a certified trainer in Mental Health First Aid on the seven types of rest you can implement to manage stress and burnout.
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Harm Reduction with Faith-Based Communities
Join us to hear from Reverend Erica Poellot about how you can incorporate strategic partnerships with faith-based organizations into your overdose prevention work.
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988 Crisis Lifeline: What to Know About the National Hotline
This Web Forum will focus on the rollout of 988, how to align it with your work in substance use, and how to educate your community as an outreach strategy for overdose prevention.
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Overdose Prevention & Outreach with LGBTQ+ Communities
Join us to hear panelists discuss how to best go about overdose prevention, harm reduction, and outreach with LGBTQ+ populations.

End of the X-Waiver: A New Frontier in Addiction Treatment
The recent elimination of the X-Waiver, a burdensome requirement for clinicians to prescribe addiction treatment, is now gone ... what’s next? Dr. Roneet Lev, an emergency and addiction physician, will join us to break down this new legislative move.

Managing Toxic Stress and Burnout: 7 Types of Rest
We will hear from Brooke Briggance, a certified trainer in Mental Health First Aid on the seven types of rest you can implement to manage stress and burnout.

Harm Reduction Strategies for People Who Use Fentanyl
This second session in our Web Forum series on fentanyl will focus on harm reduction strategies and options for people who use fentanyl.