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Lessons Learned: Ramping Up Telehealth Services During COVID-19

Serving patients remotely is no longer a matter of convenience, it is an imperative for patients and providers alike to provide just in time care in a safe and secure manner.  

The evolving challenges of providing remote point of care support for vulnerable populations through telehealth and telemedicine is a global challenge, requiring changes in care practice, innovations in the use of technology, advances in clinician/patient communications, and rapid change in reimbursement, regulatory, and work force processes.

The aims of this responsive innovation webinar series include:

  • providing immediate and actionable information

  • fostering the cross-pollination of interdisciplinary ideas

  • introducing solutions that have been vetted by healthcare professionals, researchers, patient organizations and healthcare industry

  • introducing and exchanging ideas on innovative, evidence-based care and technology-enabled care solutions

The Web Forum content includes in-depth practices and policies assembled by an interdisciplinary team of global experts in telehealth and health care delivery, with a specific focus on vulnerable populations like older adults.  

Each session includes an overview of a problem/opportunity and examples from practice, proven strategies for implementation, relevant reimbursement and policy considerations, as well as solutions and strategies for overcoming common challenges.







May 20

COVID-19 and the Impact on Communities of Color: Our Nation’s Inequities Exposed

June 23

Telehealth Policy and Reimbursement Issues in the Era of COVID-19: Perspectives from the United States, Scandinavia, and France