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No Wrong Door for Opioid Safety: How to Build an Effective Response in Your Community

We all have a role to play in preventing addiction and stopping overdose deaths in our communities. How can different sectors work together for a coordinated response? Join the California Opioid Safety Network (COSN) for the first web forum in our series titled, No Wrong Door for Opioid Safety: How to Build an Effective Response in Your Community. During this first web forum we will hear from a law enforcement official in New Jersey, a respected national advocate, and an emergency department physician in rural California–three people who are making a difference by building partnerships across sectors in their community. The session will explore the approach each leader is taking to foster new connections, how they overcome pushback, and resources that you can apply to your own work going forward.

Registration for this event is free and closed captioning is available to all attendees.






October 2

Designing a System of Prevention to Advance Health, Safety, and Wellbeing for All

November 5

No Wrong Door for Opioid Safety: How to Use Local Data for Measurable Results