Christin D'Ovidio, MFA, CCPH

Marketing & Communications Project 
JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.; Community Health Institute

Ms. Christin D’Ovidio, MFA, CCPH, is a Media & Communication Director at JSI-NH Ms. D’Ovidio works directly with programs to plan and implement media and marketing initiatives and creates social marketing programs to incite behavior change for good. She is experienced in program development, management, and evaluation, formative research, evaluation, traditional and social marketing, social media, and media production. Currently she serves as Project Director for the NH Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Marketing Program contracts and Project Manager for the NH Binge Drinking Prevention and WI Youth Sex Trafficking Awareness campaigns. Ms. D’Ovidio oversees their research, implementation and evaluation processes including NH-specific research in peer networks or peer groups. Ms. D’Ovidio also serves as Project Director and Social Media Director on a NH Lyme disease prevention project. Tick Free NH ( includes the development and creation of a Public Service Announcement, mass-media marketing campaign, social media campaign, and website. Ms. D’Ovidio received her Masters of Fine Arts from the New School for Social Research and her Graduate Certificate Degree in Social Marketing for Public Health from the University of South Florida, School of Public Health. Christin is a Certified Communicator in Public Health and is an adjunct professor at Rivier University where she teaches Program Planning and Evaluation and Health Systems & Services.


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