Karyn Madore, MED, CCPH NH

Communications Director
JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.; Community Health Institute

Ms. Karyn Madore is the JSI-NH Communications Director, leading the JSI-NH Health Communication Team, which brings together a wide range of talents, health communication, graphic design, formative research, creating and implementing social marketing campaigns and evaluation. Ms. Madore has over twenty years of experience managing public health projects and creating and implementing social marketing campaigns. Ms. Madore also leads a variety of public health Branding and Communication projects. Ms. Madore led the Anyone.Anytime.NH™ (AOAT) opioid awareness campaign with a call to action and a connection to resources. AOAT utilizes the self-efficacy theory, theory of reasoned action, and exchange theory in order to: 1) reduce the stigma of drug use, 2) eliminate the perceived barrier of arrest, 3) prepare New Hampshire residents for an overdose situation, and 4) increase immediate responses to an overdose in order to reduce overdose deaths. The AOAT campaign was recognized in the 2016 U.S. Surgeon General’ Report, “Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health.” Currently she leads the statewide NH Doorway opioid campaign. Ms. Madore holds a Masters of Education and a Graduate Certificate Degree in Social Marketing for Public Health from the University of South Florida, School of Public Health. Karyn is a Certified Communicator in Public Health (CCPH) and is an adjunct professor at Rivier University where she teaches: Introduction to Public Health; Introduction to Environmental Health; Health Promotion, Marketing and Communications.


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